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My Story

By 10:20

I always dreamed of being a lawyer.With my love for languages history and business it totally made sense. I mean,what else could I possibly be? It had to be Corporate Lawyer or Company Secretary.Everyone cheered me on from friends to family and teachers, going on about my confidence,to how I loved arguing to my excellent public speaking skills just anything that made me feel like a born lawyer .

Then there was the girl who loved rearranging her mothers house when it got boring,moving furniture every too often and removing promotional calendars that my mother loved hanging on her walls (she still does). Always hated how tacky they made the house look.There were constant fights about all these especially since most of the time the work was left halfway for Kids Next Door or Juniper Lee, my favourite cartoons then. At times it was just the frustration from doing all that work and the furniture did not fit in the room. My mother never did punish me though, instead she would tell me how she was also bored of the old look.Once in a while she did complain when her favourite couch wasn't where she liked it.

The reality of how much I loved Design,Art,making spaces organized and functional and recently Architecture only came when I failed to get enough points to study law.I cried so much not knowing what great plans God had for me.Thats how I found myself in a little known village in Western Kenya studying Interior Design.Maybe its the lack of civilization or cool hangouts or the usual fun crowd I was used to, that made me fall in love with my course. Endless questions about why I went to study in the "bunduz" and disses about how I was starting to develop village tendencies have always haunted me.

 Still I love this field I was thrown into. Its my playing ground. The excitement that comes with seeing well designed functional spaces bursting with colour and I don't mean the bold screaming colours ,I am talking about the whites that speak modernism and contemporary interiors, the earth-tones that say welcome to Africa , the blues and greys that are cool calm and collected and the blacks of those that dare to be different.

Steve Jobs said "Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really how it works". So how does it really work ? Welcome to my Blog.

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