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Why you should have an aquarium

By 11:59

If you are looking for that one unique entertaining piece to complete your home and bring in life, calm and beauty, then an aquarium it is. Whether it's your bachelor pad,family home or apartment,everyone has something to gain from having an aquarium.Psychological studies show that watching fish in an aquarium makes you relax. In this day of technology, fast busy life, stressful jobs one needs something to go home and relax to every evening. The sound of running water has a wonderful calming effect. For this reason in most places where you have to wait like doctors’ offices, hospitals and hotels you will often find aquariums. One of the best world class restaurants Al mahara in The Burj al Arab has a huge aquarium. 

Al Mahara Burj al Arab Dubai
For lower stress levels, forget sitting on the couch watching TV and try watching fish in your aquarium with a book or a warm drink or whichever way you like to wind down after a long day.

Most people love pets, they provide something to take care of, companions and generally make you happy but in rented places there are restrictions about normal pets like cats and dogs but rarely fish. They are great to have and easier to take care of. If you are tired of going home to an empty house with no one to talk to, get an aquarium with a few fish.

Wondering what to do with your hyperactive two year old who just terrorizes your home ? Aquariums have a way of drawing kids away from their hyperactive activities. They capture their interests and curiosity, relax them and give them feelings of calm .Sitting upset or crying kids in front of an aquarium calms them.Try it.
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The best thing about aquariums is how stunning they look in a home. Every one of them is unique and can be made in whichever way you like depending on your creativity. You can use different types of plant life and rocks just not too crowded to hide the fish. The lighting creates a beautiful ambiance when the rest of the lights are off and make great focal points.

Find great ways of including an aquarium into your space instead of just placing it anywhere. Here are some ways to get creative with aquariums

Corner piece
Try an aquarium for a great corner piece. the space between your corner sofas is a great place to have an aquarium instead of the usual stools.

Coffee table
Try adding an aquarium to your normal glass table or buy a ready made aquarium coffee table for that unique look.

They make great end tables too.

Wall decor
 Try something different and unique on your wall instead of paintings

If you still have a wall unit or sideboard in your home, adding an aquarium would make a great focal point.

If you want something  simple an aquarium lamp or clock would be a great option.

Tired your old boring toilet how about these ?

Depending on your budget you could do custom installation or stand alone aquariums.All are great.If you just want a pet, a big clear jar with a few fish will do just fine. Add a few stones and you are good to go. 

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